MATCM Open Day 2023
Learn about the course to be an acupuncturist
- We are going to introduce our lecturers and representatives from ATCMAB for our accredited acupuncture course
- Participants will gain insight into MATCM's focus on clinical practice during the event.
- Attendees can benefit from the shared experiences of current students.
- Direct ways of Q & A session.
Learn about acupuncture course
On-site Visit
We welcome you to make an appointment to attend our Student Clinic to learn about the academy and the course in a direct way:
- Student Clinic is the practice of the acupuncture students in their last module with real patients
- You can talk with our lecturers and get experiences shared by current students
- It is on each last weekend from March to June
- 2 appointments are accepted each day

Open Day Registration Form
You will get the link to book your on-site visit for student clinic once you successfully submit your registration form