Abdominal Acupuncture

Abdominal Acupuncture

Tutor: Prof. Mei Xing

Date: 17th - 18th Nov 2018

Time: 10am - 5pm

Venue: M.A.T.C.M. Sale

Price: £220 (£198 early bird)

Course Description

Abdominal Acupuncture was developed in the 1990s by Zhiyun Bo who discovered he could treat his patient's chronic sciatica by needling Ren 4 and Ren 6. He went on to develop the Abdominal Meridian System (AMS) sometimes known as the Magic Turtle in which the whole of the body is represented on the abdomen with the naval at the center.

The abdomen is often considered the "second brain" as it has the largest number of nerve cells second only to the brain. As the abdomen produces approximately 90% of all seratonin, it is responsible for mood, sleep, learning and regulating blood pressure. Abdominal acupuncture has been shown to have an effect on emotional well-being, immunity and or course regulating digestion. It is widely practiced in China and involves very superficial needling.

Aims of Course

To understand and comprehend the practice and strategy of abdominal acupuncture. By the end of the course, participants will be able to integrate abdominal acupuncture into their practice, thereby increasing treatment options for their patients.


To Be Confirmed

Learning Outcome

By the end of this CPD, participants will be able to integrate abdominal acupuncture into their practice, thereby increasing treatment options for their patients.

Apply for Course

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  • Complete the Application Form, check-marking which payment method chosen
  • Send Application Form either via post (including Cheque payment if applicable) or via email as an attachment ('choose file' option under body of email) here

Early Bird Discount

Payment made one month prior to the start of the course is eligible for the early bird discount

Course Payment

Payment for course can be made in the following ways:

  • By Cheque Payable to M.A.T.C.M.
    • Send to 52-54 Washway Road, Sale, Cheshire. M33 7QZ
  • By BACS Contact us on 07863 563 217 for further details
  • By Paypal Select the Paypal button on this course page
    • If paying by Paypal, please select from the dropdown menu, how many days you are attending and whether you are opting for the early bird discount
    • Early bird discount is only applicable a month or more before the start of the course
    • Once you are happy with your choice, please click on the Buy Now button:


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